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Become a sponsor!

Dear Friends,


          In anticipation of the 2016 Epic 5K Challenge, we would like to invite you to join us in supporting Bainbridge youth through the Dylan Reid Faircloth Scholarships fund. The run will be held on October 22, 2016, at the Springhill Christmas Tree Farm. 

Our family is delighted that Dylan’s memory is being honored by aiding worthy students in funding their college education. Dylan’s love and dedication for this sport kept his mind and body in optimum health and allowed him to donate healthy organs, which gave life to others. His participation in the Duke TIP program promoted academic excellence and high school education. We are happy to enable other students of that caliber to experience this opportunity.


The 2016 CC Scholarship was awarded to Bennett Enfinger. Sandy Baker was awarded to 2016 Duke TIP summer program.


Please consider one of the levels of sponsorship and/or participation in the Epic 5K Challenge event.  Won't you join us in supporting our Decatur County youth through academic and athletic achievment?

Thank you,


June Faircloth

Sponsorship Levels


$25 Donation


$50 Donation


$100 Donation

Acknowledgement of donation in local media following event.



$250 Friends of Dylan

 Acknowledgement of donation in local media following event. Includes 3 free Epic t-shirts.



$500 Scholarship Partner

Logo printed on the 2016 Epic t-shirt. Acknowledgement of donation in local media following event.  Includes 5 free race registrations and 5 shirts.




Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated! We also accept products or services usable for the run in lieu of cash donations.



If you or your company have not recieved a sponsor packet and would like to recieve one please visit the Contact Us page and we will be happy to deliver or mail one to you! Thank you for your consideration!


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We would like to send special thanks to our 2016 Epic sponsors!

Bainbridge Family Dentistry

Betty & Earl Boyett

Rodney A. Prince C.P.A.

Glenn Heard Farms

PDC Construction

Tim Smith & Associates

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